Space Audit

Dawning House

  • For Rent
  • HK$24,090.00
  • HK$33.00 / 730(G) *
  • Property ID: 57376
Featured For Rent
High Floor, Dawning House, No. 145 Connaught Road Central, Sheung Wan 上環干諾道中145號多寧大廈高層
  • High Floor
  • Floor
  • Sea View
  • View
  • Bareshell
  • Decoration
  • $3.60/ Sq.Ft.
  • Management Fee
  • Split
  • A/C System
  • Vacant
  • Possession
Featured For Rent For Sale

Dawning House 多寧大廈

Property Size: 730(G) *
  • For Rent
  • HK$24,090.00
  • HK$33.00/(G)
  • NET AREA: 511.00


Office for rent in Dawning House , Sheung Wan. The property size is 730(G) * .

The premises has a Sea View View and is in Bareshell condition.


  • Property Name: Dawning House 多寧大廈
  • District: Sheung Wan
  • Property Size: 730(G) *
  • Property Status: For Rent
  • Floor: High Floor
  • View: Sea View
  • Decoration: Bareshell
  • Management Fee: $3.60/ Sq.Ft.
  • A/C System: Split

  • Possession: Vacant
  • Rent Price: HK$ 24,090.00




Dawning House

145 Connaught Road Central , Sheung Wan, Hong Kong
Dawning House - Dawing House - Building.jpeg

Floor Plan

(For identification only)
Dawning House - Dawning House - Floor Plan.jpg

Building Description

Dawning House is a 12-storey Single Owner Office Building. Premises are available for lease. Dawning House is easily accessible with only 1 minute walk from the Sheung Wan Station. Dawning House is nearby Wing On Centre , Infinitus Plaza , Li Po Chun Chambers , Guangdong Investment Tower , Yardley Commercial Building.

Building Profile

  • Building Number: 12004
  • Ownership: Single Owner
  • Usage: Office
  • Completion Year: 1976
  • Typical Floor Area: 1,460 sqft.
  • Total GFA: 18,900 sqft.
  • No. of Floor: 12
  • A/C System: Split

  • Ceiling Height: 7'9"
  • Floor Type:
  • Elevator: For Passenger: 2
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